KeyKey 2.7.7: lessons in Italian and geeky layouts QGMLWY and XVLCWK

In this version we’ve added lessons and localization in Italian as well as two virtual keyboard prompts control options and two geeky layouts.

Lessons and localization in Italian

There are two keyboard layouts in Italian: «Italian» and «Italian Typewriter». In «Typewriter» layout the numbers row is inverted, so you don’t need to press «Shift + number» to type symbols. Additionally, these layouts differ slightly in punctuation marks location and that of some letters.

Virtual keyboard prompts control

Before, the «Key & hands hints» option was used to enable and disable both the key prompts and the virtual hands. Now, the key and the hand position prompts can be controlled separately. We’ve created two options for that: «Show key hints» and «Show hands hints».

New geeky layouts

We added QGMLWY layout for English and XVLCWK (Neo) for English and German. Here are all supported languages and layouts:

Improved Spanish

From now Spanish lessons based on modern books and articles.

The update is now available in Mac App Store and Setapp.

Hope you enjoy KeyKey. If so, write about it in App Store!